Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The use of facebook

Bernard Williams Dr. cutull Method and Theory In Psychology October 8, 2013 Romantic Jealousy and Facebook usage The use ot Facebook, a popular social network, can have a significant influence in the development of romantic jealousy.Facebook jealousy can occur when someone feels threatened after vlewlng their partner Interacting online with a superior potential mate, which could possibly lead to a daily surveillance of their partner's activity on Facebook, A person with enxlous-dttachment could be described ds having low self- esteem and a tear ot abandonment, resulting in the continuous need tor reassurance bout the status of their romantic relationship and possible signs of Infidelity. Individuals who have an anxious-style of attachment and frequently view their partners Facebook activity are more prone to experience feelings of romantic jealousy.Prior research has shown that anxious attachment is positively related, and avoidant attachment negatively related, to Facebook jealousy and surveillance (Marshall, Bejanyan, DICastro, ; Lee, 2012, Those with an anxious-style of attachment do not feel that they deserve a loving relationship and are scared of being alone. The researchers designed an online survey to test the prevalence of Facebook Jealousy. The study included 255 participants, 201 women and 54 men. Two tests were conducted that measured attachment style, self-esteem. perceived relationship quality, Jealousy, and their usage ot Facebook.The participant's answers were formatted in the form of a Likert Scale. The study discovered that attachment anxiety and avoidance were strongly correlated to Facebook Jealousy and surveillance because individuals with attachment anxiety had a lack of trust in their partner (Marshall et al. , 2012, p, 17), Overall. those who were less satisfied with their elationship and had a lack ot trust tor their partners were most likely to display Facebook jealousy. Another study aimed to figure out whether an Increased usage of F acebook had an effect on romantic jealousy.The researcher hypothesized that the amount of time spent on Facebook would significantly add to the amount of Facebook Jealousy, In addition to other variables that were described in the jealousy literature (Muise, Christofides, & Desmairais, 2009). To evaluate their thesis. Muise. Christofldes. and Desmarals created a questionnaire with 27 Items measured on a 7- polnt Likert scale. The topics included jealousy, perceived amount of trust within their relationship, self- esteem, uncertainty, and level of commitment (Mulse et al. , 2009).The subjects included 308 undergraduate students (231 temale, 77 male) between the ages ot 17 and 24. It was concluded that regular Facebook usage had a strong Influence on romantic Jealousy. The researchers explained that these findings could be the result of a partner having access to new information about their partner's social circle; therefore the partner continues to look at their significant other's F acebook page to ocial circle were often innocent, but frequent viewing of their activity cause the other partner to become more suspicious of their intentions.The next study focused on determining whether Facebook Jealousy had a negative effect on relationship satisfaction and if trait Jealousy is positively related to social network sites (SNS) Jealousy. Continuous surveillance of behaviors is and indicator of a possessive relationship, which is a typical effect of an individual with an anxious style of attachment. The researchers built an online survey consisting of questions esigned to measure monitoring behavior, Facebook Jealousy, and self-esteem.A few items of the Facebook Jealousy scale measured actions such as the number of times they check their partner's Facebook page or whether they â€Å"add† their partner's friends to watch their online activity (Utz & Beuekeboom, 2011). The participants were students enrolled in a course at a large Dutch University. The study fo und that individuals with lower self-esteem experienced higher rate of Facebook Jealousy than individuals with higher self-esteem, although there was not a significant difference in relationship satisfaction. According to I-J? et al. 201 1), individuals who were prone to trait Jealousy, monitoring behavior, had a low self-esteem, and a need for popularity, were more likely to display Facebook Jealousy. A lack of self-esteem could possibly cause a person to believe that every potential attractive mate is a threat to their relationship and happiness. Because of their own insecurities, they may feel the need to compete with those they view as competition for their mate. The following study was conducted to test the outcome of Facebook intrusion on romantic relationships.Facebook intrusion can be described as an obsessive ttachment to Facebook that causes a lack of functioning in daily lives and in romantic relationships (Elphinston & Noller, 2011). The researchers aimed to further exis ting research by evaluating whether Facebook intrusion is linked to romantic jealousy and dissatisfaction in relationships. The participants consisted of 342 (110 men and 232 women) freshman, undergraduate psychology majors at an Australian university. They were recruited based on the university's first-year student pool.The students received partial course credit for participating in the study. Approximately 90 to 95 percent of the articipants were Facebook users, between the ages of 18 and 25. 86. 9 percent of participants were currently dating, with the average length of 16. 44 months. The study was in the format of a quantitative self-report, consisting of several questionnaires. All of the participants took a 7-point Facebook Intrusion scale with answers ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree, which measured amount of Facebook usage, level of romantic Jealousy, and relationship satisfaction.To measure the level of romantic Jealousy, a five-item Short-form Multidimensi onal Jealousy Scale was administered. A five-item questionnaire was also given to measure the level of romantic satisfaction in the participant's current relationship (Elphinston & Noller, 2011). It was found that the more an individual spent time on Facebook, they more likely they were to feel threatened by a potential mate of their partner. Also, Facebook intrusion was positively correlated with romantic Jealousy, relationship dissatisfaction, and cognitive Jealousy.A strength of the study was that multiple questionnaires were given to the participants. Findings would not be as informative if large, which welcomes many perspectives. No evidence of validity or reliability was reported. Some of the limitations included a restricted participant pool because it only included first-year psychology students at an Australian University. For future studies, participants that do not attend a college or university and individuals of a more broad age range should be included.A longitudinal s tudy of the effects of Facebook intrusion would be beneficial for acquiring new information about the long term effects of Facebook on romantic relationships. The final research study aimed to explore romantic Jealousy from the attachment theory perspective. Cognitive ealousy can be described as feelings of discomfort when a partner feels a third party is a threat to their romantic relationship. According to the attachment theory, an individual's relationship with their parent or caregiver shapes the individual's mental needs in their adult life (Knobloch, Solomon, & Cruz, 2001, p. 6).The researchers hypothesized that attachment styles that were developed during childhood, play a key role in influencing romantic Jealousy. An empirical, cross-sectional design was formulated to test their assumptions. The sample included students enrolled in a communication class at a large Mid-western University. The students received extra course credit for participating in the study. Overall, 132 s tudents (43 men and 89 women), between the ages of 18 and 30, finished all portions of the experiment. The participant's relationship lengths ranged from 1 to 65 months, with the average relationship length being of 12 months. 31 out of the 132 relationships were heterosexual (Knoblauch et al. , 2001). Several self-report questionnaires were given to the participants, and were completed in groups ranging from 5 to 25 people. The first questionnaire measured attachment styles, perceived Jealousy, and the level of ntimacy in their current romantic relationships. Next, the researchers distributed Pfeiffer and Wong's (1989) Multidimensional Jealousy Scale to measure cognitive jealousy. The answers were formatted in a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from never (1) to all the time (7).The Knobloch and Solomon's (1999) relational uncertainty scale was given to measure the level of uncertainty in the relationship, with answers formatted on a 6-point scale. Lastly, the participants completed t he Rubin's (1970) Love Scale to measure the level of intimacy in their relationship, in addition to affiliate need, illingness to help, and exclusiveness toward their partner (Knobloch et al. , 2001). The study found that women and men did not significantly differ in their level of romantic Jealousy. It was also found that attachment anxiety was positively correlated with the relational uncertainty measures.Findings also indicated that a negative correlation between cognitive Jealousy and intimacy was present (Knobloch et al. , 2001, p. 10). Because the results found a significant positive association between cognitive Jealousy, emotional Jealousy, and anxiety over relationships, their ypothesis was proven to be correct (Knobloch et al. , 2001, p. 12). During childhood, an anxious style of attachment is formed when a child's caregiver is often inconsistent or overly protective, resulting in the child becoming more prone to insecurity and fearfulness.Consequently, adults with an anxi ous-style of attachment are frequently worried about the status of their relationship. These individuals usually crave the attention of their partner, which could leady to clingy and controlling behavior. They often become Jealous or overact at the possibility of a coincides with Guerrero and Andersen's 1998 study. Reliability was reported because the researcher's bivariate results produced the same results as the first experiment. The strengths of the study included a very detailed explanation as to why an anxious- style of attachment is associated with romantic Jealousy.Another strength of the study was that it expanded upon previous studies on the notion that relationship uncertainty and intimacy are strongly linked to emotional and cognitive Jealousy. Some of the drawbacks of the study included the cross-sectional design. A longitudinal study would be more efficient in confirming their conclusions. Another limitation was the lack of male participants in the study. If the amount of men and women participants were more equal, the results would be more universal.The final limitation is that the study focused on the experience of Jealousy but not on the underlying factors that cause Jealousy. A better understanding about Jealousy could be achieved if information was given from the individuals about their upbringing. This study looks to expand the literature by evaluating how attachment styles that were developed during an individual's childhood can influence romantic Jealousy on Facebook. Little research has been conducted to determine how these attachment styles are developed and their effect on Jealousy.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Importance of Law to Different People Essay

Various schools of law define law from different angles and this is done by mainly looking at the purpose that is to be achieved. The meaning of law maybe different to a lawyer, a law enforcement agency, a law breaker and even a business man. If defined simply then law is a system, a set of rules and guidelines that are enforced/implemented through a set of different government institutions. It helps to shape politics, economics, and most importantly, society by serving as a mediator of relations between people and different groups (Various, 2011). They are considered to be the basic of behavior, and at the same time, orders established by the Government of a country. These guidelines are applicable to anyone and everyone, with the expectations that are followed rather than broken, without any discrimination. Law is the command of the sovereign. It imposes a duty and is supported by a sanction, which will be looked at further in this writing. Law is made of three elements: command, duty and sanction. To implement and enforce law and provide services to the public, a government’s bureaucracy, the military and police are vital. With all these organs of the state are creatures created and bound by law, an independent legal profession and vibrant civil society inform and support their progress (Various, 2011). Law is a fair means of keeping everyone equal in the eyes of the state, and rid out crimes which are the cancer of society. Law is a generic term which is further divided into categories so no walks of life isn’t out of the reach of the law enforcers. Law is not a man made phenomena as we can see law in effect in nature too. It is something that keeps things in balance. Some might argue that law isn’t required, but man in its nature is inclined to sway from the right code of conduct. Law doesn’t enforce something un-natural but kosher ways of doing things. The need of Law is fundamental, it sets up guidelines for appropriate behavior that has been perfected over time and based on moral beliefs. And also Law is a divine quality given to man to controls mans sinful nature for centuries. When can see the importance of Law in man life by the example of Adam and Eve, they had guidelines they had to follow, no matter how limited it was, and when they were broken they were punished for it. This shows that the need of Law or guidelines is something as natural to mankind as breathing. Law has a different meaning to a lawyer, a law enforcement agency, a law breaker and a businessman. A lawyer assists others in understanding the rule of law and provides his help to those who want to enforce the law for a particular purpose. The objective of a law enforcement agency is to promote law and ensure that it is being followed in an organized manner. A law breaker is not try to understand the rule of law and just wants to disrupt the society by breaking it. A business man has to follow the law in his day to day dealings and to a business man, law is mainly a set of rules and regulations that have to be followed in order to carry out the business. The objective of this paper is to highlight how various individuals perceive law and the meaning that law has to them. Law is there to serve different purposes and law can only be easily defined if this purpose is apparent. The aim of this paper is to show what perception different individuals have of law. It is very important to know the differences in perception of various segments regarding law to be able to understand how it would be defined by them. This would help us analyze and interpret the way they look at law and might help us in forming a mutual definition of law. It is necessary to shed light upon what law means to different segments in order to create a linkage among the common elements exist so it becomes easier for us to understand the actual meaning of law. Methodology The topic that has been covered in this paper can have a legal as well as a social impact. It can have a social impact because it highlights the different meanings that law can have to different individuals in the society which can assist the members of the society to understand how various individuals perceive law. Law is importance to all the individual but the degree of importance surely varies. The paper sheds light on the importance that different individuals attach to law hence having a society wide impact. The paper can have a legal impact because it shows us how the various segments of the legal system including the lawyers and law enforcement agencies perceive law and how essential law is to them. This can help us interpret their reaction towards various aspects and also help us understand how different segments within the legal system might work. What does law mean to a lawyer? Law has a great deal of significance to a lawyer. Law is needed to resolve these disputes and lawyers use these laws a valid ground for resolving such disputes, as exemplified by the famous story of the Judgment of Solomon. It was thought even from classical times that law performed a very important function – that of encouraging and helping people to do the right thing. For example, Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) argued that people needed the discipline of law to habituate them into doing the right thing, from which standpoint they could then appreciate why doing the right thing was the right thing to do and lawyers set examples for others through use of laws. Up until the 20th century, this view of law was accepted by law makers, with the result that the legal system contained a large number of ‘morals laws’ – that is, laws that were designed purely and simply to stop people acting immorally, according to the lights of Christian teaching on what counted as immoral behavior. For the lawyer law is formulated to improve the system of legal representation, ensure that lawyers conduct their business in accordance with the law, standardize lawyers’ behavior, protect the legitimate rights and interests of litigants, safeguard the correct enforcement of laws and bring into full play the positive role of lawyers in establishing a socialist legal system. Lawyer refers to personnel who have obtained a business license for setting up a lawyer’s practice in accordance with the law and who are providing legal services for the public. When setting up a practice, lawyers must abide by the Constitution and the law, and must scrupulously observe professional ethics and discipline. Lawyers who set up in practice must use facts as a basis and the law as criteria. Lawyers who set up in practice must accept supervision by the state, the public and litigants. Lawyers who set up in practice in accordance the law are protected by the law.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Outline Howard Spodek

The creation of writing in Egypt was very close to the creation of writing in Mesopotamia – may have learned it from Egypt Developed their own script – Hieroglyphs (Sacred carvings) Wrote of stone tablets, limestone flakes, pottery, and papyrus Used of business and administration Unification and the Rule of Kings The king lists, records the noses of Upper Egypt Didn't care about race or ethnicity Color of their skin reflected gender Females – workers at home were painted a lighter color Males -? workers outside were painted a darker color Menses or Manners were known as the same person Menses† symbolized unification Kings became very powerful (Gods) With more kings this created more tombs and uneven distribution of wealth Early civilization included national religious ideology The Gods, the Unification of Egypt, and the Afterlife Souris represented order and virtue, but his brother Seth represented disorder and evil Seth put Souris in a box and sent him dow n the Nile Isis got the box and saved him Seth got Souris again and cut him into 14 pieces and sent them don't the river Isis got them all and put them back together and saved himSouris conceived a son, Hours Hours defeated Seth in a battle Hours was often depicted as a falcon on top of the kings Afterlife inspired mummification Afterlife was seen as a place for important people Cities of the Dead Things such as shrines, burial sites were most prominent in Egyptian culture Tombs in Abodes were called â€Å"Maestros† Kings Were buried with furniture, food, weapons, anything they needed for the afterlife Tombs near Square had copper objects and stone vessels Women of Elite families were buried in pyramids, such as Misshapenness 2 The Growth of Cities No existing city-states, had small self generated communities Economies are based off of cereal crops Selected cities were spaced strategically and eventually grew in to full-fledged cities Administration head quarters had given a big boost to the communities they were in 2 cemeteries served 1 city; 1 for common people and 1 for more wealth people Irrigation saved agriculture and helped in severe drought Shaded Irrigation is when buckets bring water from a river to man made irrigation chance Nell Fewer water problems then Mesopotamia Cities supposedly flourished from its temple communityIrrigation + Administration + Worship-? City The Nile Valley provided an adequate natural shield Thebes is the most monumental site The Nile Delta connected Egypt to the outside world Ports were drop off points for trade being sent on donkey of on a small little boat Monumental Architecture of the Old Kingdom: Pyramids and Fortresses Increasing power created more monumental architecture The administrative organization and economic productivity contain due to increase until the end of the Dynasty. Egypt artistic genius continued to develop the sculpture of its tombs. Architects realized the beauty of filling in the Steps Of the pyramids to create a triangular form. Tombs of the queens are situated within proximity of the kings.Tomb robbing were quite frequent. Architectural, spiritual, political and military accomplishments date to the millennium we now call Early Dynastic. The Disintegration of the Old Kingdom Monarchs collected and kept taxes for themselves. The Nile did not reach optimal flood heights and affected agriculture. The Rise and the Fall of the Middle Kingdom King Menthol of Thebes defeated his rivals in the north and reunited the mining. Trade was revived. Fine arts and literature flourished Started to have invasions of the Hooks Kathleen, Capital City of King Kathleen Modern excavations at Marin unearthed the ruins of an ancient Egyptian capital.King Annotate challenged the order of Egypt by adopting a new monotheistic religion. Senate made a city where he, his wife and their six daughters practiced the new religion. The eccentricity of the ruler was reflected in the cities sculptures, arc hitecture, and painting. His isolated position threatened the stability of Egypt empire. The Roots of the Indus Valley Civilization In 1 856 British rulers were supervising construction of a railway and as they were working on it they found thousands of old bricks. They also found stones with artistic designs on them. Many scholars assumed that the Indus valley people learned the art of City buildings from the Sumerians and other people in Mesopotamia.We can make educated guesses about the function and meaning Of remaining artifacts and physical structures. Arts and Crafts Included pottery, dying, metalworking, and beading. Small sculptures are in stone, or terra cotta. Cotton is the first known use for a fiber in weaving textiles. Carefully Planned Cities The two largest settlements are Harp and Enjoy-dark were very similar. Each city held about 40,000 people. The town plan was orderly and regular (even baskets were all uniform in size and shape. ) The regularity Of plans suggests a very organized government and bureaucratic capacity. Excavations at Dollars revealed immense gates at the principal entrances of the city.Legacies of the Harpoon Civilization Most records involve literary and artistic forms. New ecology is based on rice cultivation and the use of iron. The Aryan groups grew skilled and powerful as they move East. The Cities of the Nile and the Indus, What difference do they make? Along the Nile, they are part of a single state that is unified about 3,000 B. C. E. They formed the core of an Imperial state. We learn the significance of archeological and textual study is unearthing. Records can show alliances between rulers and priests. Without text we have no record of religious, philosophical, legal, or administrative systems in the Indus valley.

Pressure Groups Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Pressure Groups - Term Paper Example The term ‘pressure group’ was coined after the post World War II era to put pressure among the higher authorities that has the power to make decisions. These pressure groups do not take part either in the elections nor do they have any interest in seeking power of the political office, their aim is just focused on implementing their opinions onto the powerful authorities (Baggott, 1995). Most of the time these pressure groups compete against the other pressure groups to make their demands fulfilled but when their aims are common, they often work together to achieve the shared interest. These pressure groups have increased rapidly in the 20th century duet to the increase in population around the world, advancement in the technology due to which many groups have started to raise their voices in the social media networking, the society is becoming more diverse and the increase in the welfare state has given rise to the pressure or interest groups (Walter & ZÃ ¼rn, 2005). The pressure groups are considered as a mouthpiece for the members operating the group, which are not elected through formal electoral processes nor are they a part of any political parties but however they sometimes assist the parties in achieving their goals. Their main function is to mobilize the public opinion and persuading the government through different means in adopting the policies outlined by these groups. They educate the general public about specific issues from which they are unaware and they represent the minorities who are unable to represent themselves (Key, 1978). The other most common function of a pressure group is to develop and recommend laws and policies and to ensure that these laws are implemented. These groups make the democracy healthy by indicating different issues to the government that have been overlooked. They are always scrutinizing the government policies and providing recommendations in

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Network Solution for Alpha Omega Technical Industries Case Study

A Network Solution for Alpha Omega Technical Industries - Case Study Example The network will guarantee particular degrees of performance, security, and availability in the process of satisfying client needs (Rangan, 1987). The network will link computers with a broad spectrum of performance that will also run various operating systems. In future, the performance of networks will vary from one area to other depending on the speed of communication lines such as the installation of fiber optic cables. The new system will give room to the user to apply knowledge regarding versatility of the network with limited inquiries from all the people accessing the system. The network puts into consideration the fact that the clientele base is heterogeneous as it covers more than three continents. The network will also remain different in power covering desktops, personal computers, as well as large mainframes. The services provided by the new network will be simple but with enormous abilities to satisfy the complex nature of clients served by the business. The software and hardware system entailed in the network is heterogeneous enough to link the administration of the company to the rest of the staffs within the stores' department. The network will cross many countries and several continents. As opposed to other systems, each portion of the network in each country will fall under a single management unit although it an agent will handle the same where necessary. Appointed agents are important for economic and security reasons in certain countries. The surety concerning the privacy of files will be the responsibility of independent subnets where they serve in their countries. The network covering storage file servers will base on RPC communications as well as transactional file serves. The function of file servers will be keeping unstructured files where every file remains logical and the storage pattern assumes a specific sequence containing data bytes.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The history of the second amendment and gun control in America Essay

The history of the second amendment and gun control in America - Essay Example Personal opinion along with opinion of the other scholars regarding this development have been carefully avoided that has reduced this paper into mere statements of facts surrounding the development of the second amendment of the USA constitution in connection with gun control. The second amendment of the United States Constitution is an inseparable part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the right to keep a firearm in possession by an USA citizen without moving into legal hazards. Owing to its historical nature this has become a soft spot in US sentiment and proponents favoring and disposing this right are all most in equal number. The consequences were often been grave, yet it seems the lion’s share of USA population prefers to own a gun rather than remain bereft of it1. However such discussion is beyond the scope of this paper and it solely concentrates on the historical development of second amendment of the US constitution and the gun control in America wit h respect to the same. The ratification of Second Amendment in 1791 In an unexpectedly hastened political movement just following the drafting of US constitution; the right to ownership of a gun by common US citizens was paved its way into the constitution. A committee that included James Madison inked the ownership of gun by the US citizens. Madison took the prime role drafting that part with a view to create a regulated militia that was believed to provide the country a secondary line of defense strengthening its security. It was strongly believed while incorporating that amendment that in case the people were retrained from that right; it would seriously hamper the security of the nation as well as their individual security2. The Bliss versus the Commonwealth case and the individual right related Jeopardy of 1822 The individual right to guns or any sort of fire arms and to be precise arms of any nature encountered its first counter attack long back in 1822. A case was filed in Ke ntucky when a man named Bliss was charged with carrying a sword hidden in a cane box was caught and immediately convicted. A fine of $100 was imposed upon him; the money was quite hefty considering the market value of that time. In tune with the previous amendment of 1971; it was declared by the court that the person cannot be considered as a convict as the sole purpose of him carrying an arm was for her own defense. The majority of the judges supported the decision and it cemented the right of an individual to carry arms for her own or state’s defense. Bliss was freed with full honor and dignity and carrying of arms within any place of the Unites States was legalized3. The Dred Scott versus the Stanford case of 1856 The legalization of carrying fire arms or gun within the boundary of the United States in its initial days was a culmination of court verdicts as it reflects in case of The Dred Scott versus the Stanford case of 18564. Slaves formed an important part in American population and they after a hard fought legal battle that often shed barrels of blood became legal inhabitants to the so called land of freedom. Regarding the aforementioned case when a question raised that whether a slave can enjoy the same privilege of carrying guns like any other American citizen; the court opined in favor of the slaves. In a short and precise verdict the American Supreme Court declared that slaves being full-fledged American citizens are also bestowed with the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Nursing Information Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nursing Information Technology - Essay Example None of which she expected (Turner, 2003). This paper will discuss whether the decision to outsource IT makes sense and whether it would meet the Porter Value Chain Model. Hoppszallern (2009) discusses the fact that according to her research savings for the average company through supply chain management that includes the process of outsourcing IT can be $50-100 million over the life of the project. In a clinical situation this includes such things as the business process areas of medical records, billing, revenue cycle, and supply chain. The process of outsourcing not only reduces cost for the business but also provides accountability from the CIO, provides a change agent that is not bogged down by day to day, and objectivity by lack of close involvement with the departments. It also provides a larger base of knowledge over IT software as well as hardware. However, there is also a down side. That includes the fact that the IT director is also not loyal to the business, he may be a poor cultural fit, and he is not a peer at the executive level. There is also a great chance that the outsourcing will end up abroad and this brings up Senator Turners larg est complaint is that the business of the US does not belong abroad and available for misuse (Turner, 2003). Many of the complaints from departments about outsourcing are related. For example, most department heads complain that it takes twice as long to fix a problem and that the person on the phone does not understand the needs of the department. Projects take longer. This brings up the question of real value and whether or not the lost value of time for the departments in project time outweighs the cost of keeping the IT department in house (Robbins, 2004). In this writers organization, all of the IT department is already outsourced and the complaints are much the same as documented in the articles read for this paper. This includes the length of time it takes to initiate and manage a project as well as getting someone to fix a problem along with many other issues. The majority of the department heads would say that it has not been worth it but the CFO says that it has definitely improved the bottom line. Using Porters value chain management model in healthcare would give a path similar to what follows: 1. Data/ information technology 2. Information generation 3. Analysis 4. Actionable customer plan 5. Program assessment/reassessment The data comes in from 1. Medical claims data 2. Pharmacy data 3. Health risk appraisals 4. Laboratory values 5. Eligibility files 6. Utilization files 7. Operating systems and other external data resources. Much of this data comes from various kinds of claim forms. As we look at this first step in Porters value chain, we realize that there is information here that is certainly not information that we would ever want to be exposed to other places. This makes one wonder if the reduction in cost by outsourcing is worth the possibility of this information leaving the system. Then there is the issue of whether failure to transmit the information where it needs to go in a timely manner is possible and sudden changes in the data such as emergent lab changes, are they getting there timely. Who is aware of how important subtle changes are in the data Then there is the problem of how important data quality

Thursday, July 25, 2019

An Overview of Paul's View of the Law as Shown Primarily in His Research Paper

An Overview of Paul's View of the Law as Shown Primarily in His Letters to the Galatians and the Romans - Research Paper Example Permitting law to be above everyone only makes one a slave. According to Paul, salvation cannot be based on one’s ability to keep the law since no one is perfect which could mean all are cursed. The law is supposed to guide but not to enslave or condemn. Pauls warns gentiles that they are accountable and will still face judgement since it is possible to be disobedient even in absence of the laws. He ascertains that the laws will also judge those who commit offences by the laws. The main theme Paul wants to clarify is that salvation from sin is through faith as opposed to the Jewish believes that it was on basis on strict observation of law. 9 Bibliography 10 Paul’s View of the Law as in his Letters to the Galatians and the Romans Introduction The term law has several definitions and denotes a number of things. It is used in reference to norms that guide the conduct of people. It is also a scheme of regulations and guidelines that govern the behaviour of people. Law can also be a description of as set of practices that binds a group of people. Paul’s view on the law and jurisdiction occupies a fundamental position as far as comprehending Pauline’s theology is concerned. ... A reason for this contradictory approach could be that Paul was trying to show the negative features of the law. He was thus cautioning the Galatians against considering observance of law as the only requirement for salvation. Paul mainly uses the term law in reference to Mosaic Law though he at times displays Abrahamic covenant as a form of guidelines that should direct Christians who are not bound to slavery by Judaism. In his letters to both Galatians and Romans, Paul clarifies that circumcision, which was a cherished Jewish tradition is not constituent of gospel of Christ. He asserts that salvation is by Gods grace and not out of our efforts, thus it is for all but not Jews alone as Judaism proposed. This paper focuses on Paul’s outlook on the law as portrayed by his letters to the Galatians and the Romans. Law in the Early Church When Paul wrote these letters, Christianity was novel and foreign to the Jewish civilization that insisted on strict observance of the law. He w rote the letters to address the different churches facing different conditions. To understand Paul’s utterances about law, it is important to have an understanding of the viewpoint of the people he was addressing in his letter. Pauline epistles were written to a society that revered Judaism, which demanded austere compliance to Jewish laws. Such laws include bodily male circumcision as a compulsory requirement for salvation. Those who did not abide were considered gentiles and unrighteous.1 Paul’s efforts to dismantle some of their customs received opposition to an extent that some went following him from church to church to revise his teaching2. Within the same Church were Pharisees who believed

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How can community social work methods be used to tackle poverty and Essay

How can community social work methods be used to tackle poverty and social exclusion in england - Essay Example This is done through a number of methods through which they aim to the impact of these two dilemmas until hopefully they can be wholly eradicated from the community (Payne, 2011). Poverty can be defined as a state of meager means whether it is economically or in references in life (Cree, 2010). Social exclusion refers to the act of locking out the less privileged from things that they should be able to enjoy alongside everyone else mainly due to their social status. There are various methods that individuals who are involved in community social work have implemented in order to erase these two issues from the society (that is poverty and social exclusion). These methods are meant to handle the key cause of the problems so as to ascertain that they eradicated completely (Popple & Leighninger, 2008). Some of these methods include: Social workers often hold training sessions on various business subjects in underprivileged areas in a bid to provide them with means and ideas with which they will be able to support themselves with (Stepney & Popple, 2008). Teaching individuals skills such as carpentry and how to efficiently run a business will ensure that are able to improve their economic situation in the long run and is better than simply offering money which may be spent leaving them in the same place once it is over (Pierson, 2010). The main reason behind social exclusion can be said to the structure of various policies that have been set in place to only benefit the financially stable and thus it is important for such policies to be changed (Grinnell & Unrau, 2008). However, many of those suffering from social exclusion are not aware of this and thus there is a need for individuals to step up and fight for their rights on behalf of this population which is a task that social groups have taken upon themselves. A large number of the people who utilize public utilities

Auditor independence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Auditor independence - Research Paper Example Without independence, Arya & Glover (2014, p. 188) believes that there is no need for external auditors attestation to the purported accuracy and the completeness of the company financial information. The adverse effects of auditors providing services to clients that pay them directly question the impairment of auditor independence. An association between fees received by the audit firms directly from the clients will possibly impair auditor independence with particular interest to the going concern reporting decision that continues to have considerable interest to the regulators and others. This paper studies Arthur Andersen clients and investigates whether the decline in Andersens problems due to a criminal indictment can adversely affect the stock market perception of its audit quality. The reputations concerns are an issue on the impairment of the auditors independence. Arya & Glover (2014, p. 190) investigates the relationship between abnormal market returns for the Andersen clients and the fee-based measures of auditor independence. The empirical results support the ideology that auditor independence and reputation can significantly affect the perceived auditor quality and credibility in the audited financial statements as well as the market prices. The paper will also provide empirical evidence on the efficacy of auditors and directors that apply aggressive financial reporting that have accruals. In that light, the paper will investigate a sample of United States firms to evaluate the auditors independence on the clients. According to (), aggressive financing reporting will only occur when multiple governance mechanism fails. The overreliance of SOX-type legislation cannot act as a substitute for strong governance mechanisms in the regulation. Paterson & Valencia (2011, p. 1510) assert that Arthur Andersens perceives audit failure of Enron and other publicized accounting

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Face Book Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Face Book Dilemma - Essay Example The chapter focuses on the unique features of e-commerce, the digital markets and digital goods. Authors Laudon and Laudon discussed how the internet has transformed the way consumers value products and services accessed through the web and its effect on business models. The case, Facebook’s dilemma exemplified an application of e-commerce, as it has been defined as â€Å"a social networking website that was originally designed for college students, but is now open to anyone 13 years of age or older. Facebook users can create and customize their own profiles with photos, videos, and information about themselves. Friends can browse the profiles of other friends and write messages on their pages†. The term e-commerce is revealed to include â€Å"business activities that are business-to-business, business-to-consumer, extended enterprise computing (also known as "newly emerging value chains"), d-commerce, and m-commerce. E-commerce is a major factor in the U.S. economy be cause it assists companies with many levels of current business transactions, as well as creating new online business opportunities that are global in nature†. The opportunities for interface and the ability to generate interconnections through friends, colleagues, users, organizations and commercial enterprises make Facebook conducive to enhance e-commerce applications, including solicitation of advertisements, promotions and investments at various fields of endeavors.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Contingencies to Airasias Marketing Strategy Essay Example for Free

Contingencies to Airasias Marketing Strategy Essay Suggest three contingencies AirAsia should consider and rationalize your choice. What are the main modifications to the current marketing strategy should AirAsia undertake to respond to these contingencies. There are number of threats that AirAsia faces thus it should have well-prepared contingency plans in case certain situations occur. The following part focuses on analyzing three main contingencies that AirAsia should take into consideration as well as the modifications to the current marketing strategy that it would have to make to respond in case certain events occur. What if price war happens  To compete with the rivals, each airline introduced its own strategy. Famous full service carriers like Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways have set up low cost subsidiaries. Malaysia Airlines launched competitive promotion scheme while independent low-cost airlines like Valuair focused on improving customer services through offering additional benefits to customers. Obviously, the harsh competitiveness in the region strengthens the probability that price war might happen. Price war happens when almost all airline companies simultaneously start to reduce their prices and the region’s aviation industry as a whole fails to deliver profit. Price war might have a serious impact on AirAsia if it, together with other airlines in the region, starts to reduce its prices to compete. Customers now will have various choices and would be able to switch to the airlines that offer them the best price as well as best service. If price war does happen, AirAsia should make the following modification to its current strategy: Increase customer satisfaction by improving on-flight service quality as discussed in depth in the third paragraph of question one. What if customers decide to switch to other airlines Air Asia now has to face up with increasing competition not only from low cost subsidiaries of full service carries but also from the emergence of independent low cost airlines. With the increasing emergence of new airlines which provide customers with not only low fares but also â€Å"a level of service far beyond that expected†, the probability that customers switch to other airlines is very high. Recently, AirAsia has been receiving many complaints from passengers who are unsatisfied with the service quality. Focusing intensively on keeping costs low, AirAsia neglected the satisfaction and convenience of its customers. Thus, the company should consider the possibility that customers might switch to other airlines. In this case the following modifications to the strategy should be made: AirAsia should offer incentives for the customers to stay with the company by introducing frequent flyer bonus miles. To motivate customers’, AirAsia can also offer membership cards which would provide them not only with additional miles but also with regular customers’ discount on specific flights to specific destinations or at special period of time. What if AirAsia is unsuccessful in entering new markets such as China and India†¦ AirAsia is now looking for expanding routes to other countries in the region and China and India are a huge potential. However, these markets have completely different economies and therefore there is a probability that the market will not support a new airline. Also, for example, when going to China – a huge market, AirAsia needs to be ready to face tough competition. Besides good reputation in the market, well-established airlines in China such as China Airline, Cathay Pacific, etc. are offering very high quality service to customer. In addition to that in the meantime, AirAsia has to compete with many tough competitors in its local market. Thus, there is possibility that AirAsia might not take the lead when entering new markets and might not be able to reach its targets in new markets. Therefore, AirAsia should take into account the possibility of low demand and be ready to make modifications to its strategy in order to respond: The Olympic Games 2008 would be a great opportunity for AirAsia to strengthen its image in customers’ mind. To take this advantage, AirAsia should organize some activities to promote the company. Other big companies will certainly promote itself through taking part in such activities as Olympic Sponsorship, On-Air advertisement, etc. AirAsia should choose a different tactic. Instead, it can create association between AirAsia and the Olympic through programs spread via mass media such as: design logo for AirAsia used during the Olympic time or organize a lottery program the prizes of which would be Olympic tickets or flying tickets inside China. AirAsia can also use other promotion programs like offering round trip tickets flying to cities where the Games would take place at the price of 1 reminbi (Chinese currency) for the first 10 customers buying tickets at a random period of time during 6 months before the Olympics. This should help build up the demand for AirAisa’ services among the customers and enhance its position in customers’ mind. To conclude, it is important for AirAsia to be aware of all contingencies that may happen during its operations and to be ready to apply modifications to the strategy to protect itself from any possible issues that might occur. These contingencies may not come to reality but it is essential to have contingency plans and to be able to make necessary modifications to the strategy in case of the price war, or lost of the customers, or difficulties entering the new markets in order to adapt to these changes and continue to operate successfully.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Marketing and Business Analysis of Mothercare

Marketing and Business Analysis of Mothercare Company History Mothercare is a retailer of specialist of products for mother-to-is, the babies and the children until the age of eight. Mothercare opened its first warehouse in 1961 in Surrey. The business was centered initially in pushchairs, the furniture of the quarter of children and the clothes of the maternity, but it extended its range later to include the clothes for the children until the age of five and more ahead until the age of eight. Now it offers an ample range of the maternity and the homemade clothes of the children, furniture and furniture, bed, feeding, bathing, equipment of the route and the toys with its operations to by minor in the United Kingdom, and also it works internationally with licenses in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Far East under mark of Mothercare. The business began its business of order by mail in 1962. In 1972, Mothercare first felt well to a public company and in Mothercare 1982 combined with the chain of the habitat of retailers to form plc of Mothercare of the habitat. In 1984, Mothercare began to extend itself internationally with entering adjustments of the license with the select partners in chosen countries. In 1986, plc of Mothercare of the habitat combined with the British home stores plc. During years 90 they rationalized the combined group of forces. 2000, Mothercare became the unique trade name and the name of the company that maintained was changed plc of Mothercare. In June of 2007, the group acquired the limited possessions, the owner of the warehouses of Chelsea of the early trade name of the center that learned (ELC). ELC was founded on 1974 originally like the toys of offer and books of a business of order by mail with the educative content. The first store to by ELC minor was opened more in the reading in front of he himself year. In 1985, ELC was acquired by plc of Juan Menzies who continued extending the state and ELC became a well-known affluent trade name of the main street. In September of 2001, ELC was the subject of a purchase of participation of the management, during which aerodinamizado ELC their not-beneficial operations, categories exits of the product and warehouses and grew their operation of sourcing in Asia., a social site of the establishment of a network for the new mothers was sent in 2007. Strategic Corporate Development History Strategy The aim is to construct to the group of Mothercare in the main retailer of specialist of the world of parenting and products of the children. The acquisition of the center that learned early in June of 2007 was a dominant step in the development of this subject. The aspirations of the group will be reached to traverse: Developing own-it marks of innovating factory and exciting the products under the Mothercare and to learn early center trade names; The best one of masters of the class and the specialization of our personnel; and The guessed right delivery of the strategy of the growth needed down. Growth strategy The strategy of the growth of the group of Mothercare is centered in four dominant handles that give the potential of the Mothercare and of the early trade names of the center that learn. Maximization of synergies of the integration of the center that learns early; reconstructing the combined Mothercare and to learn early it centers the characteristic list; Continuation of the fast growth of direct; and leading the international reach of the Mothercare and to learn early it centers the trade names Synergies of the ELC integration Single synergic greater of the acquisition of the center that learns early is the optimization of the combined BRITISH list of the warehouse. A significant element of this is the insertion of the center that learns early in dominant Mothercare outside warehouses of the city and greater warehouses of the main street. One hopes that 80 early fillings of the center that learn negotiate in the warehouses of Mothercare by Christmas 2008. Second synergic of integration is to develop the early trade name of the center that learns internationally through the existing networks of franchisee of Mothercare. Third synergic of the acquisition is growing the margin by the efficient operation of our offices of sourcing. With the acquisition of the center that learned early we acquired an office outpost of sourcing based on Hong Kong and have invested already in this facility, that is responsible now directly for sourcing the toys of all the group. Fourth synergic is the integration of the operations of several channels through the two trade names. Property portfolio The second handle of the growth of Mothercare is the strategic one reconstructs of the list of combined BRITISH characteristic. Inserting warehouses of the early center that learn within Mothercare in their own aids right size the chain of Mothercare; taking the best sites from both trade names, and putting a commander in execution it reconstructs of the combined list of the warehouse. The list of the main street also will be treated consolidating the two trade names in a warehouse in where we have a Mothercare and a center that learns early in the same main or Next Street, creating a more beneficial warehouse with two trade names in a location. Growth of direct The growth of the direct will grows in line increasing range of accessible product. Mothercare now has on 350 types of pushchair in line and 300 accessible seats of car. The extension of the success of our direct business in our international markets is being progressed. The center for the center that learns early is in the optimization of the Web site and the introduction of fabric-in-stores. International The fourth handle in our strategy of the growth is globalization of our two trade names. The international business will grow with the construction like-for-like the sales, having opened new warehouses in existing countries and opening new warehouses in new countries. With the center that learns early there is an opportunity to quickly grow the global presence of the trade name with leveraging the existing network of franchisee of Mothercare. The second handle of the growth of Mothercare is the strategic one reconstructs of the list of combined characteristic. . The acquisition of the center that early learned also has given us an opportunity significant to integrate and to optimize the combined lists of characteristic who take the best sites from both trade names and we is in course to put a commander in execution reconstruct of the combined list of the warehouse that we announced at the time of acquisition. Also rightsizing the list of the warehouse of Mothercare with resisting (closing a warehouse and opening a smaller warehouse in the same city) and downsizing (that a warehouse makes existing smaller) to lead sales by square foot. This strategy has been guessed right in the reduction of the operating expenses, particularly rent, whereas it conserves to the extensive majority of sales. Now we have made ten right sizes in Mothercare and the economy is forcing. Now we have recovered 16 of our warehouses of towards be-of-city with our new format of Mothercare and all are being made well. The greatest warehouses now contain the home and route of Mothercare, clothes of Mothercare, the early toys of the center that learn, the shoes of Clarks and a store of the photo, creating a true destination parenting. Now we glided to roll towards it go this format to a total of 40 warehouses by the means the next year. We are also in course of optimization of our list of the main street consolidating the two trade names in a warehouse in where we have a Mothercare and center that learns early in the same main or Next Street, creating a more beneficial warehouse with two trade names in a location. Whereas the synchronization of the activity of the characteristic is to a certain uncertain degree, we hoped that all this activity is finished before 2009 end. The result of all this work will be a list transformed of the warehouse of the group into the United Kingdom that focuses more towards centers parenting of towards be-of-city. The exceptional costs of this exercise have been recognized like appropriate in the cost of sales, administrative costs or loss in the disposition of the interests of the characteristic. We considered annualized advantages of this characteristic we reconstructed to ascend to  £5.0 million including depreciation and anticipated these we will begin to affect the declaration of rent in 2009/10. Growth of Direct The direct business by directs in home and directs in warehouse has been fast these last years and total the direct sales promote to  £85.5 million east year, a growth of 78.9 percents. We are increasing our ranges constantly in line and now we have them on 400 types of in line pushchair accessible and 150 seats of car in line, easily the greatest selection available in the United Kingdom. Now we are extending ranges of the clothes and other parts of the home and traveled option of accessible increase, in line later for our clients. Also we are considering ways to extend the success of our direct business in our international markets. A dominant conductor of the direct growth of Mothercare these last years has been our fabric-allowed strategy of the warehouse, to where each Mothercare has the capacity to in line request any accessible thing in our Web site, for the delivery to the home. Current strategic situation Plc of Mothercare (Mothercare) is a based retailer of specialist BRITISH of products for mother-to-is and the children until the age of eight. The company offers a variety of maternity and the products of the children for which plc of Mothercare (Mothercare) is a retailer of specialist based BRITISH of products mother-to-are and the children until the age of eight. The company offers a variety of maternity and the homemade products of the children who include the clothes, the feeding, to bathe, furniture, furniture, the equipment of the route and the toys through its distributors to by minor through country. These products are put under two trade names to by minor that is to say, Mothercare and center that learns early. The main subsidiary of operation of the limited company included of BRITISH and Chelsea de Mothercare store the limited possessions. The company works 1,014 warehouses, including 609 Mothercare and the center that learns early stores outside the Kingdom United in 50 c ountries through world. The 24 dominant recent progresses Feb of 2010 of plc of Mothercare: Mothercare obtains the approval of the government for company at risk shared with the 9 DLF Feb of 2010: Mothercare and shippers to create the the 18 line Nov of 2009 of the clothes of the new children: Mothercare reveals benefits and the strategy of the east characteristic comprehensive profile of the SWOT of plc of Mothercare provides a deepened strategic analysis to him of the businesses and the operations of the company. The profile has been compiled by Global Data to bring you to a clear and impartial Vista of the dominant forces of the company and weaknesses and the potential opportunities and threats. The aids of the profile you formulate the strategies that increase their business allowing of understanding their partners, clients and competitors him better. The profile contains the critical information of the company including, Description of the business a detailed description of the operations of the company and the divisions of the business. Corporative Strategy summarization of the analyst of the strategy of business of the company. Analysis of the SWOT a detailed analysis of the forces, the weakness, the opportunities and the threats of the company. History of the company progression of the associated dominant events to the company. Important Products and services an important product list, services and trade names of the company. Competing dominant a list of the dominant competitors to the company. Dominant Employees a list of the dominant executives of the company. Executive Biographies a brief summary history of use of ejecutivos. Dominant operational Heads a list of departamentos/de the functions of the key of the title of the personnel. Important Locations and subsidiary one lists and details of the contact of the dominant and subsidiary locations of the company. The companys core strengths and weaknesses and areas of development or decline are analyzed and presented in the profile objectively. Recent developments in the company covered in the profile help you track important events. Equip yourself with information that enables you to sharpen your strategies and transform your operations profitably. Opportunities that the company can explore and exploit are sized up and its growth potential assessed in the profile. Competitive and/or technological threats are highlighted. Scout for potential investments and acquisition targets, with detailed insight into the companies strategic, financial and operational performance. Financial ratio presented for major public companies in the profile include the revenue trends, profitability, growth, margins and returns, liquidity and leverage, financial position and efficiency ratios. Gain key insights into the company for academic or business research. Key elements such as SWOT analysis, corporate strategy and financial ratios and charts are incorporated in the profile to assist your academic or business research needs. International Mothercare plc (Mothercare) is one UK based specialist that dealers of products for fostra-till is and children up to the age of eight. The company offers a variation of maternity, and childrens products, that includes that baklava, mating that swims, furniture, home pieces of furniture and inventories, equipment travels and toys up to and including its levying over the country. These products market stem carcasses during two as the retailing bran marker namely, Mothercare, and to learn for early type centres. Carried out headmaster the operational subsidiaries that are consisted of off limited Mothercare UK and limited Chelsea miscellaneous trade holdings. The company functions 1.014 miscellaneous trade, including 609 Mothercare, and to learn for early type centers miscellaneous trade outside UKEN in 50 countries over the world. This extensive PLUGGHÄST profiler of Mothercare plc gives you an in-depth strategic analysis of carried out businesses and functions. Profile era has been put together of global computer for to come with to you a clear, and a prejudice free views of carried out they key strength and the weakness and the potential occasions and the threats. The profile era help formulates you strategies that increase your business, through making possible yourself in order to understand that your partners, customers and competitors improve. The international match that fourteen uses pressure this spring growth strategy, the globalization is of our two bran marker. The international match has continued in order to grow quickly this year with total franchiseereor up 42.2 percents, and underlying Gila for- to like sellers up 12.0 per cents during the year was opened 77 new koncessiondiversehandel (51 Mothercare and to learn for early type 26 centers) and to come with us in end sum to 494 miscellaneous trade on the year completes outside UKEN (379 Mothercare miscellaneous hand electrical and to learn for early type 115 centers miscellaneous hand electrical). Mothercare and for early type that faith centers is now present in 48 countries outside UKEN. We will continues in order to build the international match business up to and including growing Gila for- likes rear that opens new miscellaneous trade in existed nation and opens new miscellaneous trade in new countries. The at the end the month opened plans we ours 50th stocks in Saudi Arabia and in order to broaden striking spring presence in Turkey and Russia where we have currently 30 and 25 miscellaneous trade respective. In India, we were have, has plans in order to open 100 miscellaneous trade, ourselves already opened 20 miscellaneous trade in the at the end the two years in eight towns, and the capacity has exceeded our expectations. We also announced recently our first, in China, we be expect to open our first two miscellaneous trade in this important market stem imminent. In faith for early type centre where is an occasion to grow the fast brands global presence up to and including using it existed Mothercare franchisee links contact, and we are operable with ours franchisee partners to develop plans for faith for early type centers in the countries that Mothercare acts in, but faith for early type does not centre. We plan in order to open at least 100 new foreign miscellaneous trades this year over the magnified group. Corporate responsibility The determination and dedication of employees in the business in the front, and all this process, the necessary Ajarn brand each corporations use has the responsibility (cr) program in the first time the ELC of, which. ELC of cr the head of the group has been appointed the head of the responsibility of the Company in September, with the corner, cr, responsible for the business administration as well as in the mothercare Ltd. (0) The Company Group Secretary with the management and regulations of the group Bank from the brand and the group, which was the duty and affiliated companies of all for the last month cr Program during last year, independent experts have been appointed to look at all form of the group of business and the responsible for these help to the study in the case base set goals and objectives the appropriate in the business together, and the review will be reflected in this section, the details of the acts of us in this year, information for the educational environment al impact of the group and plans for future, there were four in our responsibility, which is below This figure shows vividly and four, the interconnection  target group and public policy of good corporate governance and the settings for the news reports of us, and the program cr. Responsible sourcing: : Making sure that our jets and partners particularly those that we bought of directly they deal to people with respect, they offer decent conditions of work and they pay the attention to environmental editions. Making sure we are a right and honest company with that to make the business that provides products of safe quality, good. Environment: Understanding and handling the impact in the atmosphere the track of the coal of our warehouses, warehouses and vehicles, the sweepings that we arrange and the packed one of products we sell. Also it demands offering of an option of the products that have environmental advantages to our clients. Community: It includes our commission to the corporative citizenship with charities and the activities of support of the community that affect our personnel, clients and people in our chain of source. Our people: To also treat our enough personnel and, the investment in them and making sure of each one can become and contribute. This also makes sure that we work our business to assure to us as soon as is practicable a safe atmosphere for our personnel and clients with the adoption of the constant policies of health and security. Environment Most of the environmental track of the group comes from warehouses that provide in the United and world-wide Kingdom with products and of the operation of the warehouses they themselves. All the United Kingdom and some products destined for warehouses of our partners of the license los happen with one of three warehouses in the United Kingdom some directly given through the jets but some concerned by us and requiring transport of the wharf in where they arrive. In the warehouses they are classified and they are transported possible to our warehouses. Some products directly give to homes of the clients los who follow an order in-store or in the Internet. The more important  environmental aspects are therefore: warehouses, using energy and producing the sweepings; warehouses, using energy and producing again the sweepings; it transports the fleets, bringing products from the wharves  to the warehouses, from the warehouses to the warehouses or homes of the clients  los; the products, and the materials did them; and packed and other materials in bulk. The energy and the emissions of the coal of our warehouses are according to the indications of the table. These have calculated using a mixture of real data (where we have it) and estimations based on figures of the previous-year. All the warehouses of Mothercare have systems of management of the energy, that allow the control of the consumicià ³n. The controls all of the heating and the illumination settle down and they are handled centrally (with a certain degree of local flexibility to allow the personnel to maintain an atmosphere comfortable). The illumination is extinguished at night, commutation in partially when the personnel completely enters the warehouse and moments before the warehouse is opened. All the new warehouses are specified at the high levels of the energy efficiency. In ELC with its list of smaller warehouses, encouraging to the approach it has been traditionally different with the personnel who is found out and reduces the energy consumption. In order to suppor t this, ELC undertook an east test year with plan of global action of investigating the possible savings in the average warehouse. The objective is to combine the best one of both systems taking the messages from the knowledge of the energy of ELC in Mothercare, and extending the system of management of the energy from Mothercare to the ELC warehouses. Much of the sweepings of warehouses is the product packed one cleared (e.g. the boxes or the external purses of the clothes) needed to surely obtain the product in the warehouse. This is gathered everything  by the licensed contractors regulated and something is recycle. The plan is to approach this of two ways: cutting the sweepings that reaches each warehouse reducing the transit that it packs and that increases to the amount the group recycle at the moment. Community The community and the charitable implication are centered in the foundation of Mothercare, that is the main vehicle for the donations. The foundation is an independent charity, presided over  by Karren Brady, with the drawn additional administrators of the board of Mothercare (our president, CEO, company secretary). Their charitable objectives league together of near the interests of our clients and personnel: to assure good the health and well-being momia-to-is, new momias and its children; special necessities of the baby-care and premature births; and other referring initiatives parenting to well-being of the family. The foundation has east year centered in a significant donation to the well-being of the charity of women, with supported others in an inferior degree. Discreet bottoms available of the marks of the foundation both for Mothercare group employees: The bottom of the president is an annual allocation donated after a competition between the personnel of Mothercare to propose cause deserving or of the inspiration. Bottom of the ones in charge of an area el is available and responds  to requests of the local charities made to the ones in charge of the area of the group. In 2007/08  £100,000 was donated directly to the foundation. In he himself year the done foundation grants totalling  £95,000. Mothercare and ELC have a history of the professional management of people. In the last year the center has been in the work to combine two diverse cultures and to keep the best one from both. This has demanded actually bringing of the two functions of the hour in one and reviewing, simplifying and harmonizing of our policies of use so that they are applied to our global business. One of these equal opportunities of the preoccupations of the policies. The business is trusted to provide the equal opportunities for all the personnel without concerning the race, the sort, the age, the incapacity or the religious bottom. In addition we have undertaken a certain limited work to investigate the diversity of the sort within the group and aimed to assure to us that the business is ethnic representative in warehouses and the central office. The annual objectives pay attention so that to all the personnel it gives a clear picture them of what it is required of him. They value to the employees against these, and this revision of its operation leagues together to its rights of the pay and the premium. In the last year the group has needed the elements that define the culture, or the DNA of the group. These are: taken care of for the parents; make the business harder; pull together; and consignable fact. They have determined all greater ones in charge already against this frame, and is being including now in our processes of the recruitment, the promotion and the valuation. In addition, the personnel can one same-handle his to in line use of the development and frame of development of race. All of these facets have lead to Mothercare being voted one of the top 20 Best Big Companies to Work For by its staff. This award is adjudicated by the Sunday Times and is based on anonymous survey responses from at least 40 per cent. The future The group has fixed a number of targets of the long term to direct and to inspire the work of the CR. These are supported to need annual the objectives what we needed to make every year to keep to us in the track for these aims from more long term. Our 2013 targets are in order to cut the absolute emissions of the coal of our BRITISH buildings and our BRITISH fleet by 15 percents (compared to the line of bottom 2007) to cut the packed one  £100 of the products was associated to each that we sell by 15 percents (compared  to the line of bottom 2007) to the cut the number of the purses single-uses at least of the carrier by 30 percents (compared to 2007 line of bottom) that we will make sure that on 50 percents of wood products we sell are done of the wood that recycled or is certified by the FSC that it above pushes for the recycling, making sure that at least 75 percents  of our sweepings of United Kingdom is recycled so that the program of the community of the group raises  £1 million stops to the charity as first it walks towards these, our objectives for the next m year is the action will be taken the use of the energy of the warehouse of the cut including bringing warehouses of ELC in the system of management of the energy of Mothercare and the operation a consolidation of the campaign of the knowledge of the energy of the personnel of the fleets of the delivery of the business to gain effective nesses and to look for ways to increase our use of the transport of track for the merchandise begins a project to review systematically and to reduce the amount of packed in our products and to investigate ways to cut use of the purse of the carrier establishes the data of the line of bottom on our sweepings of warehouses and DCs working a project experimental to investigate ways to reduce the amount of sweepings of the warehouse that is sent to the development of the embankment of a new group-wide policy in the purchase and to the use of wood products and t he paper, bringing to the whole group until the same greater levels they review our approach to give charitable with an aim to concentrate more of our activity with a single society of large-scale that can be applied to the world-wide business of all the group, including our partners of the license

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Fungal Collection, Culturing and Identification

Fungal Collection, Culturing and Identification Abstract Fungi are Eukaryotic cells that are able to synthesize enzymes when required to break down complex mono and polysaccharides when in contact with it. There is much to understand with this fascinating Kingdom that the Fungi belong to as Biotechnology within these organisms may play a fundamental role within Industrial waste. There is much to study and learn from these organisms and possible outcomes of collecting, culturing and Identifying these complexed organisms as they may possibly resolve and revolutionize the waste industry to prevent damage and ecologically reverse damage to the planet. Chapter 1:  Introduction Overview 1. Fungi Are a large group of eukaryotic organisms that are classified as having its own recognized kingdom. This kingdom has an enormous variety that includes unicellular microorganism and multicellular organisms that are separate from the other kingdoms of life. It is Estimated anywhere between 1.5 to 5 million species exist. These unique organisms contain properties that produce fungal compounds that provides many possible applications within industry. General characteristics of fungi include but not limited to: Cell wall consists of Chitin. Fungi are heterotrophs meaning they are not able to produce their own food, but obtain Its nutrients by the absorption of its surroundings by the secretion of digestive enzymes. In an ecological system, fungi are described as decomposer organisms. It is now known that the DNA of fungi are more related to animals than plants. These organisms are abundant worldwide, A majority of fungi are not clearly visible due to their small size, structure, and perplexed biological processes in soil or on dead matter. 2. Classification / Taxonomy Taxonomy is a scientific method to group biological organisms on the grounds of characteristics and naming the organisms into groups or categories. Formally only 5% of Kingdom Fungi has been formally classified, methods of arrangement have been based on biological taxonomy based upon different characteristics such as type of hypha, spore, and reproduction process. This provides a template of key features to identify and class organisms in the form of a list. All concepts are man-made and to a certain degree are arbitrary. 3. Morphology General: Fungi displays itself in a wide variety of size and shape, from unicellular, microscopic organisms to more advanced multicellular forms that are able to be seen with the naked eye. Fungi cell size ranges from 1 to 30. Fungi that are microscopic are classified as molds, yeasts or both. Molds: Are larger multicellular organisms that contains a network of branching filaments. This is called hyphae. The two known types of hyphae are vegetative and reproductive hyphae. The reproductive hyphae contain spores (fungal spores are different from bacterial spores as bacterial spores are for the fundamental purpose of survival in harsh conditions as opposed to reproductive purposes for fungi). The spores produced from fungi are used for the role of classification and identification of fungi. The hyphae are described to contain a tube-like appearance, the hyphae and other structures combine to form an elaborate network called a mycelium. Yeasts: These single-celled organisms are large (5 to 8) that rarely form filaments. Most yeasts undergo an asexual process referred to as budding. Colonies of yeast are usually described as having a surface considered to be smooth similar to many bacteria. 4. Physiology Is the scientific observation of living systems in organisms, focusing on nutrition, reproduction, and growth. Nutrition for most fungi contain enzymes that are complex with other chemical substances that diffuse from the fungi to break down complex substances that are available, e.g. wood, vegetation, bread etc. into simpler substances that is digested by fungi. The products of digestion are formed outside of the organism and the fungus absorbs the end products. Reproduction for fungi is unique as organisms can reproduce sexually or asexually, or both depending upon various factors e.g. the species, the environmental factors etc. Sexual reproduction undergoes when two spores are compatible to reproduce with one another. Growth for fungi are similar as to the growth of bacteria, favourable conditions involve warmth and moisture. As the temperature lowers, fungal activity also lowers. However, spores are very resistant to cold temperatures for long periods of time. At high temperatures, fungi are easily killed. Figure 1: Typical mycelium structure of a fungus Figure 2: Morphology and General Properties of Fungi. Figure 2 describes the morphology of an individual colony of fungi growing in a Petri dish. Figure 2 can be used to establish and identify organisms in the fungi Kingdom.Each type of fungus will produce different colonies. Specific terminology is established to describe the different types of common colony forming organisms. Size The size of a colony is measured by the diameter. Form This establishes the basic shape of the colony in question e.g. if its circular, filamentous, etc. Elevation This establishes how to describe a colony from observing the colony at an angle. Surface This establishes how to describe the appearance of the colony whether if it is rough, wrinkled, smooth, etc. Opacity- This describes how translucent the colony in question is e.g. transparent (clear), opaque etc. Colour Also referred to as pigmentation of the colony of whether if the colony has a distinguishable colour associated with the organism. Identifying similarities between different fungal organisms allowing the organisms to be catalogued in a unique way for different Phyla to be established and recognizing different organisms to be closely related to one another depicted in figure 3 creating a cluster of analysis. Figure 3 is a cluster analysis. In Figure 3. The 26 sites cluster into four major groups from A to D. These sites have been clustered based on similarities of the fungal community that the organisms belong to. 4. Species To Examine a group of fungi that would have similar traits. The filamentous fungi contain cells that grow as tubular, elongated, and thread-like structures. These structures are called hyphae, which may contain multiple nuclei and extend by growing at their tips. Each tip contains a set of aggregated vesicles cellular structures consisting of proteins, lipids, and other organic molecules associated with fungi chemical compound production. Penicillium is a genus of ascomycetous fungi. This genus is of major importance in the food and drug industry. Some members of this genus produce the antibiotic penicillin, a molecule that is used to kill or inhibit the growth of certain kinds of bacteria inside the body. Other species are used in cheese making. The characteristics to expect typically consists of a highly-branched network of multinucleate, septate, usually colourless hyphae. The mycelia contain many-branched conidiophores, the conidiospores are the main route of dispersal of the fungi, and often are green in colour. Aspergillus Is a genus a genus that is recognized as a mould species found in various climates worldwide. This genus is known as a group of conidial fungi, which in turn cause this group to be in an asexual state. Members of the genus possess the ability to grow where a high osmotic concentration (high sugar, salt, etc. exists. The species are highly aerobic and are widely found where oxygen-rich environments on the surface of substrates. Commonly grown on carbon-rich substrates like monosaccharides (e.g. glucose) and polysaccharides (e.g. amylose). Starchy foods are generally contaminated by this genus. Talaromyces Is a genus of fungi, described as species in the genus form soft, cottony fruit bodies with cell walls with an intricate network of hyphae. The fruit bodies are often described with yellowish characteristics or are surrounded by yellowish granules. Rhizomucor Is a genus of fungi that are described to be thermophilic, with a minimum growth temperature of 20 ° C with a maximum growth temperature of 60 ° C. Trichoderma Is a genus of fungi that is present in all soils, they are most prevalent culturable fungi as they are fast growing at 25 30 ° C, colonies are transparent at first on media such as cornmeal dextrose agar (CMD) or white on richer media such as potato dextrose agar (PDA). Conidia typically form within a week in shades of green or yellow pigment. A yellow pigment maybe secreted into the agar, especially on PDA. Industrial applications involve enzyme production for cellulose, xylanase and chitinase. Fusarium Is a genus of filamentous fungi. Its industrial application is used in human consumption. This genus is produced and marketed under the name Quorn. 5. Culturing Organisms of interest will be cultured in the lab and Identified accordingly on the characteristics they exhibit by Classical Methods that rely on direct observation of fungi, including microscopy as well as direct sampling of fungal fruiting bodies, incubation of substrata in most chambers, culturing of endophytes and particle plating. 6. Laboratory Methods Are used to collect, culture, and identify organisms in the lab with the following processes of Aseptic Technique, Microscopy, and biochemical analysis. 7. Aseptic Technique Is a critical method to successfully observe fungal growth and distinct characteristics with the prevention of microbial contamination. This technique is carried out in a variety of ways. The use of a Bunsen burner when dealing with petri dishes to keep the laboratory environment as clean as possible and to prevent possible contamination, as well as sterilising inoculation loops when inoculating fungal organisms. A disinfectant such as Distil is utilized to ensure that the work surfaces and equipment are free from possible contamination. It is also encouraged to flame any containers where appropriate before and after use. This is to prevent any unwanted organisms being introduced in the lab when observing the interested fungal organisms with the interest to preserve fungal purity. 8. Microscopy Classical Methods of identification of fungal organisms are examined under a microscope to identify specific characteristics within fungi. Specific families of fungi are able to by morphologically identified by colourless hyphae that would be presented on organisms. Others are able to be characterized by dark colonies and pigmented fungal elements seen on microscopic examination of fungal material that was prepared by biopsy. Fungi that has the ablity to infect hair and nails; often displays fluffy or fine texture and are pale coloured with distinct hyphae. Biochemical Tests Are laboratory methods to Identify fungal organisms. These include carbohydrate fermentation, this tests whether a certain yeast ferments different carbohydrates. Carbohydate assimilation studies: this tests whether a yeast can aerobically utize various carbon and nitrogen compounds with oxygen. API 20C system involves freeze-dried sugars are placed into wells on a plstic strip, yeast medium is pipetted into wells, incubated and turbidity determines growth. Uni-yeast tek system Identifies yeasts based on their ablity to ferment certain sugars. Media Selecting the correct media for optimal fungal growth in the lab is essential. Sabourauds Dextrose agar (SDA) is sufficient for culturing fungi as its rich in nutrients to support fungal growth and is a preferred medium. Enzymes Enzymes play a fundamental role in fungal extracellular activity. Enzymes are synthesized inside the cell and are secreted outside the cell. The main function of these enzymes involve the breakdown of complex macromolecules into smaller units to be digested by the cell for growth and assimilation. Organic matter such as cellulose are degraded into simple sugars that enzyme-producing organisms use as a source of carbon, energy, and nutrition. Enzymes are categorized in the following: hydrolases, lyases, oxidoreductases and transferases. These enzymes breakdown complexed compounds in specific ways for the cell to take up nutrients. Fungi are widely diverse giving this kingdom the Application in Industry Microorganisms produce enzymes, with current understandings of cell knowledge and recombinant protein, it is possible to modify the cell to produce enzymes with more efficient proderties e.g. better yield and purity. For saccharification of plant polysaccharides and biofuel production, fungi are valuable sources for enzyme production. Enzymatic degradation of wastes. Waste material is a fundamental factor in Industry. A majority of pharmaceutical, industrial, agricultural and forestation waste costs more to dispose of properly than sometimes the production. This results in several problems leading to environmental, health and safety issues that prevent sustainable development that could be dealt with in alternative ways for the aim to reduce waste. Current technology is investigating if Enzymes are able to play a fundamental role in waste degradation to prevent, reduce, reuse, and recycle pharmaceutical waste that would be considered costly to properly dispose of. Fungi is recognized to be a complexed eukaryotic cell that may hold the answers industry is looking for to improve these matters. References: Bright Hub Education. (2017). Animal, Plant, and Fungi Phylogeny: A Surprising Relationship in Eukaryota Phylogeny. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. Arnold, P. (2017). Facts about Fungi and Types of Fungus. [online] Bright Hub. Available at: [Accessed 3 Jan. 2017]. 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Compare Nothing’s Changed to Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two :: English Literature

Compare Nothing’s Changed to Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes’, showing how the poets reveal their ideas and feelings about the cultures and traditions that they are writing about. The poem ‘Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes’ has been chosen to be compared to ‘Nothing’s Changed’. The two poets Tatamkhulu Afrika and Lawrence Ferlinghetti reveal their ideas and feelings about the cultures and traditions that they have talked about through the tone, language and the structure of the poem. The reader can notice that both poets reveal that in an angry way. The poem that Lawrence Ferlinghetti wrote tells us how the poor people feel about the rich when they see them living and staying in a better place than they are. The poem also tells us the separations between the rich and poor. The poem ‘Nothing’s Changed’ talks about the separation between the whites and the blacks and how the whites usually treat the black people. The tone in ‘Nothing’s Changed’ is very angry and violent, to show the poets attitude to the fact that nothing has changed. His ideas and violent feelings are revealed in his tone. He shows a very bad attitude towards white people. The tone can be seen as that of a resigned way, as if he knows that it almost too much to hope that things can change. The poem ‘Two Scavengers †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ can be seen as a loud angry tone, to protest about the failure of democracy. It can also be seen as a somber, muted tone, to express sadness that a gap remains between rich and poor. Comparison in detail has been done between the two garbage men and the cool couples. The poem ‘Nothing’s Changed’ is written in the present tense. Even though he is talking about a past experience, it’s like it is happening now. This is one of the features that were used in the language to make us read the poem. The poet uses alliteration in all the stanzas except stanza four. In the first stanza he used alliteration when he used the words cuffs, cans and crunch. In the third stanza the poet uses alliteration on ‘g’. He also uses rhythmic echo in ‘hands’, ‘bones’ and ‘lungs’ in the second stanza. Repetition and assonance is also used in the second stanza. Sound pattern has been used in the fifth stanza. All this shows how the poet reveals his ideas and feelings about his culture and tradition. So the language he used helped him a lot to reveal his thoughts and feelings. The poem title ‘Two Scavengers †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ shows us that the poem will be about Compare Nothing’s Changed to Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two :: English Literature Compare Nothing’s Changed to Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes’, showing how the poets reveal their ideas and feelings about the cultures and traditions that they are writing about. The poem ‘Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes’ has been chosen to be compared to ‘Nothing’s Changed’. The two poets Tatamkhulu Afrika and Lawrence Ferlinghetti reveal their ideas and feelings about the cultures and traditions that they have talked about through the tone, language and the structure of the poem. The reader can notice that both poets reveal that in an angry way. The poem that Lawrence Ferlinghetti wrote tells us how the poor people feel about the rich when they see them living and staying in a better place than they are. The poem also tells us the separations between the rich and poor. The poem ‘Nothing’s Changed’ talks about the separation between the whites and the blacks and how the whites usually treat the black people. The tone in ‘Nothing’s Changed’ is very angry and violent, to show the poets attitude to the fact that nothing has changed. His ideas and violent feelings are revealed in his tone. He shows a very bad attitude towards white people. The tone can be seen as that of a resigned way, as if he knows that it almost too much to hope that things can change. The poem ‘Two Scavengers †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ can be seen as a loud angry tone, to protest about the failure of democracy. It can also be seen as a somber, muted tone, to express sadness that a gap remains between rich and poor. Comparison in detail has been done between the two garbage men and the cool couples. The poem ‘Nothing’s Changed’ is written in the present tense. Even though he is talking about a past experience, it’s like it is happening now. This is one of the features that were used in the language to make us read the poem. The poet uses alliteration in all the stanzas except stanza four. In the first stanza he used alliteration when he used the words cuffs, cans and crunch. In the third stanza the poet uses alliteration on ‘g’. He also uses rhythmic echo in ‘hands’, ‘bones’ and ‘lungs’ in the second stanza. Repetition and assonance is also used in the second stanza. Sound pattern has been used in the fifth stanza. All this shows how the poet reveals his ideas and feelings about his culture and tradition. So the language he used helped him a lot to reveal his thoughts and feelings. The poem title ‘Two Scavengers †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ shows us that the poem will be about